CAD Design of V8 Engine

Designed, researched, and verified over 35 unique parts to create a realistic and complex 3D model of a V8 car engine with accurate motion.

Project included:

  • Mastery of advanced modeling techniques such as sweeps, lofts, fillets, and chamfers

  • Mastery of advanced part mating techniques to simulate complex motion

  • Use of CAD features such as patterns, replicating, and in-context part referencing to streamline design

  • Conveying dimensions, fit, and assembly instructions through ASME Y14.5-compliant part drawings, database drawings, and assembly drawings

Skills Utilized: OnShape CAD Software, Engineering Drawings, Research

Project Outcomes: Functional Model submitted for final project in CAD Manufacturing Class


Development of Heart Rate Monitor


Fabrication of a Patient-Specific Femur Model